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Patent Search - Leeg Tech
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Patent Search

Patent search is a search of the patent database to determine if there is any patent application similar or identical to an invention that is to be patented. Patent search can be done to improve the chances of obtaining a patent registration or to find information about new inventions that have patent protection. In this article, we look at the procedure for conducting a patent search in India.

Patent Search


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Patent search is a search of the patent database to determine if there is any patent application similar or identical to an invention that is to be patented. Patent search can be done to improve the chances of obtaining a patent registration or to find information about new inventions that have patent protection. In this article, we look at the procedure for conducting a patent search in India.


A patent is a right of exclusive use restricting others from making, using, importing, selling, etc. granted to the owner of an invention or a process ranging from goods or services. The process of granting patent involves three tests i.e. inventive (i.e. isn’t obvious), novel (hasn’t been anticipated in any published document) and industrially applicable (possesses utility).

Now, patent search is a preliminary process of searching in a database of already granted patents. It is done to check whether the intended invention or process for which patent is applied is similar to already existing patented product or process. This is also known as a prior art search.

The patent is provided by the Indian patent advanced search system or pass. Although the database is simple and easy to operate, an expert in this field can increase accuracy & speed up the process.

Importance of Patent Search

Before filing a patent application, a patent search can help with different objectives like:

  • Determining the probability of having a patent granted to a proposed invention.
  • Determining the claims to be filed in the patent application.
  • Determining the freedom to operate.
  • Determining whether a granted patent can be invalidated.
  • Knowing more about similar inventions and status of similar patent filings.


Step 1: Collecting Information: You are required to send in all the details regarding the patent search, including uses of the invention, benefits over existing products or processes.

Step 2: Searching: Our professional will conduct a thorough search of the database. It may take 5-7 days depending upon the scope of the invention.



What does a patent do?

An individual or firm obtains the intellectual property right of an invention, the patent right grants full rights over making, using, selling, or importing the products and services and also restricts others from doing so.

How to obtain Patent registration?

Following steps need to be followed to obtain patent registration. Patentability/ Novelty research, Drafting the patent application, Patent application filing, Patent application publication, Examination, Examination report issuance, Granting the patent.

Who can get patent registration?

The following can obtain patent registration: Art, process, method, or manner of the manufacture Machine, apparatus Any products produced by manufacturing Computer software with technical application and even product patent for food, chemicals, medicines or drugs.

For how long is the patent registration valid?

Patent registration is valid for 20 years.

Why Leegtech for patent registration?

Expert help saves the time and effort that is required for registering a patent. Expert advice will help in obtaining a patent registration quickly.